A Day in Dubrovnik Croatia



尊貴非凡的2014地中海寰宇領袖之旅,第二站將到訪克羅地亞杜布羅夫尼克(Dubrovnik, Croatia)

這座獨具中世紀風情的小城充滿神秘魅力,斑駁的城牆下留存許多令人永生難忘的名勝古蹟。踏足這座歐洲最不可錯過的城市,您將能夠親自探索其與眾不同的迷人之處,為舊城(Old Town)美景而驚歎。

Photographs of Croatia

鐘樓(Clock Tower)奧蘭多列柱(Orlando Column),漫步於名聞遐邇的大理石街-史特拉頓大道,您將欣賞到形形色色的獨特景觀。而除了杜布羅夫尼克本身的卓越魅力,您還能在這座歷史氣息濃厚的小城中,找到許多引人入勝的觀光景點。

沿著蜿蜒崎嶇的海岸線,您可以盡情享受克羅地亞風味美食,品嘗各色新鮮海產。若您選擇搭纜車出遊,還可從空中鳥瞰整個小城,將如畫美景盡收眼底。您也可以騎上自行車,穿梭於風景迤邐的鄉村小道間,徜徉在質樸的鄉村景色中; 無論選擇何種方式出遊,您都將擁有畢生難得的機會,親自感受小城的迷人風情。




Nu Skin

A Day in Dubrovnik Croatia



The second port on the remarkable 2014 Mediterranean Cruise is Dubrovnik, Croatia, a city of medieval enchantment and mystique. The city’s protective walls preserve its ancient aura and unforgettable landmarks. Marvel at the sights of Old Town, one of Europe’s most engaging cities to discover on foot and a must-see for first-time visitors. It includes the Clock Tower and Orlando Column, among many other attractions along the famous marble street, the Stradun. If you can pull yourself away from the charm and beauty of Dubrovnik, there are some amazing sightseeing destinations beyond the historic city.

Photographs of Croatia

Enjoy the Croatian cuisine along the rugged coastline, where fresh seafood is always on the menu. To gain a panoramic perspective of Dubrovnik, select the excursion that takes you on a cable car with a fantastic aerial viewpoint. For those experienced on a bicycle, take on a biking adventure along scenic, off-road trails and through rustic villages. Whatever you choose to do, you’ll have intriguing options for exploring the region.

With stunning coastlines, countryside, palaces, and churches, your sense of history and romance is sure to be captivated in Croatia. Qualify for the 2014 Team Elite trip and spend a day in the magical world of Dubrovnik.


Join Us May 14 to 21, 2014.

Nu Skin